Over thousands of years, Mizonokuchi Cave has been gradually formed by erosion of the spring water from Kirishima mountain range. The cave is located at the edge of the narrow tableland surrounded by mountains next to Miyakonojo city, and it has been confirmed 14.6 meters width, 6.4 meters height and 209.5 meters length overall in the 2017 survey. Groundwater from the cave is still copiously fountained today. According to the locals, there is a legend that once a dog run into the cave and ended up coming out of Takachihokyo Gorge.
Mizonokuchi Cave has the longest length as welded tuff cave and also keeps untouched nature that allows us to observe the process of forming itself. Due to those features and some other reasons, the Mizonokuchi Cave has been selected as one of Japan’s Hundred Famous Caves in August 2013.
洞穴は 約27,000年前に姶良カルデラから噴出した入戸火砕流の溶結凝灰岩の中に形成されています。
The inside of the cave is 40 meters wide at its widest, 15 meters at its narrowest, and the ceiling is arched shaped. Around 200 meters into the cave there is a flat area called “Zendana (膳棚)”. On the Sunday closest to Buddha’s birthday, the locals organize a festival in order to perform several kinds of dances in Buddha’s honor.
所在地 | 鹿児島県曽於市財部町下財部4907付近(入口から奥へ約1300m) |
【ルート①】 JR大隅大川原駅周辺→溝ノ口洞穴へ
【ルート②】 きらら館(道の駅たからべ)→溝ノ口洞穴へ